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Unsolicited Advice ! Take it or Throw Away

It may sound like an unsolicited advice, but it is high time to do so.Country’s Ruling dispensation hold reins and make or mar its overall progress . India’s unity in diversity cannot be put on stake for parochial political gains by any one -in the ruling side or opposition .Way attempts were made to polarize the society in the Hindi heartland state of Bihar ,bordering some big states like UP  and West Bengal ,was quite deplorable. It is not the time for the blame game but action.  

We must all salute wisdom of Biharis who did not allow such designs to flourish and all voted quietly without reacting to any provocation. It matters little who voted whom ,but secrecy of ballots and peace at booths was maintained by them. Pollsters were off the mark. It was Delhi assembly Polls like situation.

Some Media personalities did not dither an inch on their assessment of the ground reality. An eminent columnist in the Times of India had predicted the NDA’s route months before the poll machinery had started churning. In his latest column he highlighted Rural Electrification work in the state and its sure impact on the verdict . He was right on the dot.

Another columnist in Indian express wrote a big piece on the Polls and in the last para put all his authenticity on the acid test-he was absolutely correct.

Third one in the Hindutsantimes did not conceal his amazement when the most trusted “Chankaya” opened its pandoa box of predictions on a news channel. The Journalist minced no words to assert that he had travelled a lot in the poll bound state and wondered how could it be.

He said the authenticity of the channel and pollster is on the test and he articulated his views in a very calculated way  rather than shouting and losing temper. He was virtually laughing at the stuff being delivered to viewers. (Deliberately I am not mentioning names as there are so many we don’t know despite their truthful writeups ).

I am writing this to lay thrust on the point that writers should not be taken lightly,they understand better the pulse of people than the entire official machinery put together  and politicians who become party for their respective parties,losing track of the ground.

So Please Stop stop ignoring them and blaming them  for whipping up tensions. They are “mere writers”. They should not be targeted. Let them write- matters little far or against .People are smart enough to sift reality.

There is a time tested saying that the charity begins at home .The Flashy Barats (Wedding processions) earn respectability and grace only when family’s old hands move with Pink turbans on heads and marigold garlands in hands. Prestige of the Party old veterans who felt ignored and side lined  be restored first. Their reputation should not be besmirched.

There is a buzz in power corridors that Ministers are ornamental plants and a handful bureaucrats are ruling the roost with direct access. Such perceptions negate all work and if there is a truth in it ,it must be set right. Structures must be put in place .

There are so many fault lines and it is  just an Adhoc and racy prescription


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