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Nitish Kumar on Tight Rope; Grand Alliance aspirations loom for the National Poll Ring

Hullabaloo of  Resounding Victory and Resounding defeat in the Crucial Bihar polls has subsided ,but the verdict has burdened The JU(U) leader and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar with a twin responsibility of running the show better than his previous three straight stints and keeping the Grand Alliance fledgling aspirations and credibility  intact.

Opposition camps’  strategies to replicate its Mahagathbandhans in other poll bound states will mainly depend on the JD(U)-Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) and Congress governance in the cow belt state which has empowered them to rule it with full might but in a judicious way. Now, one side verdict era is dawning fast- General Elections,Delhi polls and Bihar results –are pointer to that.

Formation of Ministry and anointment of RJD supremo sons in the coveted slots along with many ,with limited educational background in the cabinet, has raised many eyebrows virtually suggesting that RJD would have wasp like grip on the government and the Team Nitish is handicapped due to limited talent vis-a –vis skills and education required in the contemporary governance.

Any slippage here will reflect on the national political scenario from the opposition’s perspective as well on people's estimation of these regional forces vis-a - vis main national parties-BJP and Congress.

Every step in Bihar will resonate wildly on the social media and influx of sarcastic campaigns ,engineered by vested elements on the social media in the post Bihar verdict, is manifestation of  such apprehensions

Next two years ,As many as ten states will go to polls ,including five in the next year- West Bengal, Tamil Nadu,Kerala, Assam and UT Puducherry and any haste  to create too  much problems  for the center may not go well with electorate which has shown their matured wisdom time and again –leaving swarms of pollsters and media contingents confused though cities  after cities  voted  for the same coalition  with least violence despite all bids to whip up tensions on various lines-castes and communal .

The Bihar verdict has conveyed more messages than one- the Indian Democracy is intolerant to use of virtual expletives in the campaign; growth and development agenda is occupying prime space or slowly becoming the deciding factor; there should not be any difference in “Kathni and Karni”(Assertions  and deliveries) ;Veterans  politicians should not be side stepped; Regional sentiments rule the roost; outsiders should have limited role in drawing local strategies ; no  confusion on candidates for the Prime slot;right alignments on caste lines ,but communal warfare –division among communities does not cut ice ; scientific and sobre planning (Prashant Kishore’s  style) and size of crowds in rallies is no criteria to gauge public mood.

Last Three elections – Narendra Modi was clear cut choice of NDA camp in 2014, it paid off;Arvind Kejriwal  was CM candidate for AAP in Delhi polls while  BJP gave confusing signals, Nitish Kumar was Mahagathbandhan choice for CM slot in Bihar- have shown beyond an iota of doubt that  any tricks or back stage strategies will be rubbished by people and they want straight answers  and open choices.

More over, nerve wreaking fights to create right perception for one’s  own party and negative perception for rivals on sustained basis are also emerging as one of the key factors in run upto polls . 

The Manmohan Singh’s Government, despite a plethora of developmental plans and hold on the price line and  economics was beaten hollow at the hustings on account of perception that the UPA is a “corrupt alliance and fraught with scams”.  Those who committed scams were taken to task and many of them went jail on dictum “Law will take its own course”, but  the pervais perception was prevalent  that  the UPA is allegdely synonymous of  Corruption and it lost. The Ruling dispensation should be clean and should not forget power of RTI ( right to information), digital working  and roving hidden cameras.

The verdicts suggest that Leaders should not be too vocal and at the same time, the leader should not be perceived as “Mauni Baba”. Moderation in  speeches is the key refrain.

 As the Bihar polls is a wake up call for The Modi government, perception about the government is under going in a subtle and but decisive way. Campaigns like “ Arahar capsules are available at grocery shops with a prescription that two tablets in the lunch and two in night with a bowl of  lukewarm water” catch up ,so  rates of essentials are to be bridled –the government has to decide what to  with spiraling price lines and scuttle such impressions through deliveries rather than intimidation.

Nitish Kumar is no more the State’s Chief Minister, He is  also the undeclared poster boy of the opposition camps,so he has to strike a fine balance with day to day governance, relationship with RJD’s Lalu Prasad Yadav,Congress and looming aspirations of like minded parties on the national scene.

With  Newly acquired status for the national stage  and his potential, the World media has riveted its eyes on Bihar,so for the Kurta –Paijama clad CM has to be on his toes to discharge duties in tandem with master strategist Lalu Prasad Yadav.  


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