Honey bee hives create loud buzz in High security Tihar Jail ; some joked “ sting operation” hits Jail
Humming Honey bees created a loud buzz with a
difference in ultra-high security Tihar Jail of India’s Capital New Delhi this
went around in the Jail at a lightning speed on Tuesday that inmates of the
Jail Number 5 were being given a five day training in the bee keeping under the
government’s dream project of “sweet revolution” and “skill India”.
say some heaped sarcasm on the honey soaked news even as eyes of both staff and
inmates riveted towards bee boxes in hopes of visualising seeping droplets of viscous honey with background
music of humming bees’ rhythmic beats. Some feared that they would be stung by
flying bees and but they soon discovered apprehensions baseless as trainers
swung into action and commenced training.
many as 50 inmates, in the age group of 20-25, of the Jail were picked up for
the training course, started by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC).They
were apprised with skill of ‘Sweet
Economy’ under ‘Honey Mission’,
V K Saxena, the KVIC Chairman, said that the trainees were apprised of the
scope and significance of beekeeping, important considerations and tips to
start beekeeping, economics of beekeeping and strategies in honey marketing and
value of beekeeping. “After training, the KVIC will install as many as 500
bee-boxes in the jail premises – having large greeneries.
boxes will not only produce more than 12,500 kilograms of high quality honey
and 300 kilograms of good-quality wax every year, rather it will also boost the
flora and fauna in and around the prison as the bees fly around 2 kilometers.
Through pollination, crop production goes 25 percent up,” he said, adding,
“Besides, the KVIC experts delved upon honey bee species, colony organization,
division of labor and life cycle of honey bees; management of honey bee
colonies during different seasons.”
Mr Saxena further said that practical training was also imparted in examination of honeybee colonies, acquaintance with apicultural equipments, identification and management of bee enemies and diseases, honey extraction and wax purification, and management of bee colonies in spring, summer, monsoon, autumn and winter seasons.
“Our objective is to make the sweet nectar
available to each and every family for their daily consumption, following the
call of ‘Sweet Revolution’ given by our Prime Minister. Honey helps boosting
immunity and purifies blood. Its medicinal value protects the body from major
health problems like heart ailments and cancer,” he added.
has planned to setup 5000 bee boxes in Delhi alone this year at various
gardens, farmhouses and colleges, to start community honey cultivation, which
will subsequently generate employment too.
Director General (Prisons) Mr Sudhir Yadav said that after being trained in apiculture or bee farming as part the rehabilitation and reformation programme for the prisoners, the inmates can learn the skills and utilize it to earn their livelihood when they have finished their jail term. “The KVIC, which has become the torch-bearer of ‘Honey Mission’ in the recent past, will provide the beehive boxes along with hive stands and other miscellaneous. They will also train us on how to go about it,” he said, adding, “We will soon harvest and sell our own honey. This is part of the reformation and rehabilitation of the inmates.”

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