On a frigid day, she ditched me, apparently taking cover of heavy veil of mist hanging atop a sprawling park. I was dejected to lose her warm company which was really soothing during bone chilling winter nights in the national capital, notorious for extreme weather conditions. Refusing to accept the realty that she is lost, I embarked upon the operation search. All bids turned abortive but it was not enough to discourage me from the frantic hunt. I looked into all corners to pick up her trail which many times took to me strange places like heavy bushes in park, cupboards in home, meditation halls ,petrol pumps, market places etc. Frustrated over the loss, I sought help of a bureaucrat to spot her if she is found in gracing any stroller in parks around. After a few days I resigned to the reality that she is lost for the good but not before making many in suspect in my eyes that they had stealthily laid hands on her. I was repenting to have roma...