Envisioning threat to mangroves forests in ever exploding Mumbai, a fresh awareness campaign,to save such plants from land sharks and unscrupulous elements, is gaining momentum in recent past with local law maker Rahul Ramesh Shewale, taking up cudgels against any bid to spoil rich mangroves in Cheddanagar belt of the metro. Mr Shewale, who represents south central constituency of Mumbai in parliament, has urged youth and other Mumbakiers of cheddanagar to come forward with suggestions to save the forest green treasure. He has committed himself to the conservation work. Meetings will be organized shortly among locals and authorities to safeguard the mangrove forests in the area. He said as and when he had visited the area, he was mesmerized by the enchanting natural beauty of the belt, but unfortunately, the paradise now, he says, faces many wicked threats. ‘‘Mangroves faces destruction and incessant dumping disturbs natural underground drifts. Further th...